Sunday, October 16, 2016

Has Russia Weaponized Wikileaks?

Wikileaks has a reputation of impeccable accuracy and reliability. Anyone who's paying attention is aware that Wikileaks has been releasing a steady stream of Clinton related emails that expose the candidate for who she really is and what she really stands for. 

The Hillary Clinton campaign is attempting to distract voters from the content of these documents by accusing Russia for the leaks that expose her as a racist, cheater, liar, ISIS enabler, inside trader, etc... And making the accusation that Russia has weaponized Wikileaks. 

I think that it is much more likely that the NSA, (National Security Agency), or perhaps an individual at the NSA is responsible for providing the Clinton related documents to Wikileaks. We all know, (or should know), that the NSA stores everyone's email messages indefinitely, and if called upon, could confirm the accuracy of the Wikileaks documents. 

The Clinton camp is even going so far as claiming that the email messages have been altered because there is no "real" defense* against the damning information contained therein. Wikileaks has nothing to gain by altering documents and is certainly no friend to Russia, so Hillary is grasping at anything that will serve to distract voters from the integrity of the information in these documents. 

I hope that Hillary's supporters will remove their partisan blinders and take a good hard HONEST look at these documents. Don't be an ignoramus, make an educated decision.

* other than the mainstream media who seem to be more interested in protecting Clinton than accurate and responsible reporting. Maybe that's because many of the cable news outlets have also been exposed as co-conspirators with the Clinton camp.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Still Feelin' the Bern? or Just Feelin' Burned?

Bernie Sanders just endorsed his political rival, Hillary Clinton.

Now you have to make a choice. The media and establishment want you to think that you have to choose either a dog turd and a monkey turd. The fact is, you could choose a silver coin or a gold coin but the media establishment doesn't tell you about that option. Seriously though, you really don't have to choose either turd, (Clinton or Trump).
I'm going to pick the gold coin, Gary Johnson. He's the gold coin because he's the ONLY 3rd party candidate that will be on the ballot in ALL fifty states. He's also polling in double digits with almost zero media coverage. 

Jill Stein is the silver coin. She's a much better option to the two turds too BUT will not be on the ballot on all fifty states. That means that she can't win.

Gary Johnson, two term Governor of New Mexico, is the ONLY candidate with executive administrative experience. 

Bernie supporters will find that Johnson's positions on military interventionism, banks, equality and drug policy are in line with theirs.

Conservatives will identify with his sensible fiscal policy. 

We really do have a choice. A good choice.
Don't choose poop. You deserve better.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Magic Number Nine or What Part of Nine Don't You Underdtand? - Happy Blogue Day

9 is a fascinating number. Some say 9 is a magical number. One thing is certain, number 9 is full of surprises.

Any number that is multiplied by nine reduces back to 9 when the digits of the sum are added together.



9x582= 5238

and etc.

Take any number and add up its components, 523713 for example. 


subtract the sum, (21) from the original number, (523713).


You will always end up with the number nine, no matter what number you begin with.

Take any number, 70644 for example. Reverse the digits, (44607), and subtract the smaller from the larger number.


Again, you will always end up with the number nine, no matter what number you start with.

Take any three digit number with dis-similar first and last digits, 864 for example. Reverse the digits and subtract the smaller number from the larger.


The digit in the middle will always be nine and the other two numbers will always add up to nine. When all three numbers are added together, the sum will always be 9.


Large numbers that are divided by nine result in duplicate numbers.

1 million divided by 9 = 111,111
2 million divided by 9 = 222,222
3 million divided by 9 = 333,333
4 million divided by 9 = 444,444
5 million divided by 9 = 555,555
and etc.

And as if that isn't enough, check out this table of numbers.


Obviously, nine is profoundly significant and a fitting celebratory number for Zenberg Blogue's 9th birthday. 

9 times around the sun = 3285 days

I hope nine turns you on too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


According to psychologists, fear is the #1 motivating factor for humans. Even love and hate take a back seat to the power of fear. 
No surprise, fear is used by propagandists to steer public opinion and policy. 

What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid of guns?
Are you afraid of conservatives?
Are you afraid of liberals?
Are you afraid of Christians?
Are you afraid of Muslims?
Are you afraid of terrorists?
Are you afraid of marijuana?

A close examination of the sources that fuel your fears, (news papers, cable news and etc.), may reveal the real agendas of the fear brokers who influence you. And, your best interests may not be their consideration.