Monday, March 12, 2007


My friend and associate, Ronaldo, claims that he is angry that he was circumcised as an infant without his permission. He told me that if he ever has a son, there is no way in hell he would have him circumcised. I asked him, "If your son is born a conjoined twin, joined at the foreskin, what will you do?"
Several years ago I was working as a pharmacy tech in Salt Lake City. Two of my colleagues were expecting their first child. They knew from the ultrasound that they were having a son, so one day, while speaking with the mother to be, I inquired concerning their decision on circumcision. I was told that they were planning to circumcise the little guy. After a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons, the best reason she gave was "Dad is circumcised, and we want him to look like dad." I asked, "If dad loses his arm in the war, do you cut off the kid's arm so that he'll look like dad?"

"Snip snip, slice slice, just me and my little knife. Can you believe it?"

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