Sunday, March 25, 2007

Rememory Banks

I love Laurie Anderson, even though she doesn't know me from a red faced golem. I enjoy watching her imaginative performances. I'm always stoked when she comes to my little village of Santa Cruz, and on one occasion, March 10 2002 to be precise, I took the whole fam damily to see her at our Civic Auditorium. I had purchased my tickets a couple of weeks earlier at the box office window, (with a hefty $4 per ticket convenience charge), which gave me my choice of available seating. I purchased four, and distributed them among my family.

Two years later, it was announced that Ms. Anderson would be returning to the Civic Auditorium for another performance. This time, I saw an ad in our local "Great Exchange" paper where someone was selling two tickets for Laurie Anderson for $65.00. I called the number and procured then, paying no attention to my seating assignment (I was just "happy" to get them). Here's the weird part... when I went to the show, I walked to my seat, experiencing an overwhelming sense of deja vu. As I sat there looking around, it became evident that I was sitting in exactly the same seat where I sat the previous time I saw Ms. Anderson. What are the chances? I had only been to two shows at the Civic, both Laurie Anderson, and both times I sat in the same seat. Or so it would seem.

Don Van Vleit said: "I have an excellent memory, it just isn't decorated properly." Let me just say this about myself... I have a great memory, but my rememory doesn't seem to be as reliable. These two Laurie Anderson shows are perfect examples. I recently found both sets of tickets which revealed that yes, indeed, I was sitting in section L, seat 4, however, in 2002, I was in row G, and in 2004, I was in row F. F for Failure to remember accurately. This kind of thing is a bit unsettling to me, and makes me question everything I remember. Now that I think about it... this is the kind of world I would create for myself, and it would explain a lot of unexplainable things... somehow. Maybe not. Two good shows, but I don't think I got what I paid for.

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