Sunday, May 20, 2007

No Blood For Surf!

Everyone hates George W. Bush...* at least where I live. On my morning bike ride, as usual, I noticed numerous anti Bush bumper stickers, such as, Liar, Hail to the thief, Impeach Bush, International Terrorist, The Emperor has no brains, Bush Cheated, George Bush hates you, and No blood for oil. One would think that a community so openly anti-war would would be peaceful, and loving towards its neighbours. Such is not the case however. There exists here an attitude of intellectual elitism which sets itself above both outsiders and those within the community who don't share their particular world view. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes beyond snobbishness, and is occasionally reduced to petty gang turfery by some of the local surfers.** Most Santa Cruz surfers hate all surfers not from here... especially those from San Jose, whom they call "cooks." West side Santa Cruz hates East Side, and so on... Lots of these guys even exhibit anti Bush, anti-war bumper stickers, yet they perpetuate the kinds of aggression they claim to be against. Santa Cruz is a wonderful place, and anyone who is fortunate enough to live here is simply very lucky, nothing more.

No blood for turf!
No blood for surf!

*Personally I didn't vote for President Bush. I make it a point to never vote for Republicans, or for that matter Democrats... the evil of two lessers. In my opinion, the right and left "wings" of government are different wings of the same bird of prey. I can't support the dictatorship both parties currently stand for, so I usually vote LIBERTARIAN... the only true alternative. As for Bush, its probably better that he's the president right now, and not Kerry. If Kerry/EdWARds had been elected, the same crap would be going on, but most folks I know would have their heads back in the sand, (where they were during the last administration***), and wouldn't even care. At least some people are paying attention right now, simply because Bush is president.

** "My surf, my sun, my sand, go home" Surf Punks

The one that invaded Yugoslavia, and shipped our industry overseas to pollute countries who have less stringent environmental regulations.

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