Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jesus Played Dreidl - Holly Daze

Since a goodly portion of the Earth's population is celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ today, I thought I would make a few relevant points, in an attempt to put the historicity of said event it into context.

First - Jesus was not born on December 25. The shepherds watching over their flocks by night, were making sure that their investments (birthing lambs) would survive and make it to market by Nisan 14. Passover comes in the spring, around the first week of April... an appropriate time for the Lamb of God to be born.

Second - There never was a person named Jesus Christ. What would a good Jewish boy be doing with a Greek name? That name was ascribed to him later on as replacement theologians stripped him of his Jewishness in order to justify their corrupt and counterfeit religion's assault on Judaism. His real name , (the one his mother, Miriam, gave to him, and his peers knew him by), was Yeshua ben Yosef, (Joshua son of Joseph). Later, the title Rabbi was added to his name.

Third - Jesus was Jewish. He was NOT a Christian... as many believe. He never denounced his religion, and remained obedient to the Torah, and his ecclesiastical authorities.

Fourth - Jesus played dreidl during the holidays.

Blasphemy? No, TRUTH!

It seems a bit inconsiderate to celebrate the birth of someone who didn't go by the name he is remembered by... on a day that he wasn't even born. How would you like it if someone did that to you? Surprise! Happy birthday!

Maybe it's time we put the
X back in Christmas... Where's Linus?

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