Well here we are on the eve of Super Tuesday, a day I have been anxiously awaiting for many months. Tomorrow those of us here in California will join twenty-one other states and cast votes for our personal favorite presidential hopefuls. This year we have an opportunity for real change, that's why I'll be voting for Ron Paul.
If this election was a horse race, I'd be voting in the primary for McCain or Clinton. Unfortunately, most Americans DO vote with a horse-race-mentality, and that's why we always end up having horses-asses to represent us. I'd rather have a respectable president... someone like Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's message of freedom and Liberty isn't for everyone however.
Here are ten reasons you may not want to vote for Ron Paul:
1 You like what the Bush-Clinton dynasty has accomplished over the past twenty years.
2 You want to keep troops in Iraq for another four years to one-hundred years.
3 You think its a good idea to continue boycotting Cuba.
4 You like spending billions of dollars on a fake drug war.
5 You think it is a good idea to have the government monitoring all of your telephone, text and email messages.
6 You enjoy bureaucratic regulations in every aspect of life.
7 You superficially cast your vote based on appearance, religion, gender or race.
8 You think that corporations are more important than individuals.
9 You believe that liberty and free-agency are overrated.
10 You think it$ a good economic plan for the United $tate$ to borrow money from China $o that American$ can get a $ix-hundred dollar economic $timulu$ check in the mail, which, in mo$t in$tance$ will be $pent on product$ which were manufactured in China. Who'$ economy are you trying to $timulate?
Think... before you vote this time.
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