Sunday, May 25, 2008

Presidential Candidate Selected

Last year I registered Republican so that I could vote for Ron Paul in the California Super Tuesday Primary Election.

I had never registered Republican before, and have to admit that it was a difficult decision, but I knew that Ron Paul was worthy of my vote, so I held my nose and became a Republican. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, most Americans didn't have the opportunity to hear Paul's message, which was squelched by the media moguls who continue to distract voters with a carefully engineered race and gender
battle in the Democratic Party. It is however worthwhile to note that on Super Tuesday, California Libertarians overwhelmingly voted for Ron Paul as a write-in candidate, even though he wasn't running as a Libertarian. Good for them. I'm proud of my Libertarian brethren for their statement and support of a good man who, for decades, has worked hard to protect the civil liberties of all American citizens. Unfortunately, Paul has declared that he isn't interested in running as a third-party candidate.

I have serious doubts that anything will happen to McCain which would enable Ron Paul to ascend as the Republican Party nominee. If McCain does indeed receive the
Republican Party nomination, I won't be voting for the (B side of the) Dark Side.

I still expect that Ms. Rodham Clinton will be anointed to represent the Democrats,
but even if Obama does procure the nomination, I still won't be voting for the (A side of the) Dark Side.

I now know who I will be voting for in November. I'll be returning to my
Libertarian leanings, and will cast my vote of conscience for former Rep. Bob Barr, the newly selected Libertarian Party Nominee.

"I'm sure
we will emerge here with the strongest ticket in the history of the Libertarian Party" Barr proclaimed in his acceptance speech.
Libertarian Party spokesperson, Andrew Davis, said:

"We're proud to present to the American voters Bob Barr as our presidential nominee... While Republicans and Democrats will fight for their own power, Libertarians will fight for Americans... Republicans and Democrats have good reason to fear a candidate like Barr, who refuses to accept the 'business-as-usual' attitude of the current political establishment. Americans want and need another choice, and that choice is Bob Barr."

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