Wednesday, October 1, 2008

OX - HALLOWEEN Costume Ideas - XO

It's that time of year again. Time to start planning your Halloween costume.

The perfect Halloween costume should be unique and invoke shock and awe. After all, horror is what Halloween is all about. And with all the Sarah Palins and lipsticked pigs running around this Halloween, you'll want to do something unique and memorable.

Here are four costume ideas that will invoke fear everywhere you go this Halloween.

It's fun for partners to dress up as famous couples, like John and Yoko, Sid and Nancy, Tarzan and Jane... Cute, but SO last Halloween.
For couples who are looking for a unique costume that will impress their friends, this year I recommend going as the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

A simple costume to make, with lots of terrifying design variations. One tower can smoke and appear to burn with the aid of a portable smoke device, while the other tower has a small aeroplane attached to a wire that bobs and dances as the party goer moves about. And what could be more fun than twins?

What's Needed:
-Two large boxes, (identical)
-White paint
-Stiff wire (to attach the aeroplane)
-Marker (for detailing windows etc.)
-Toy aeroplane, (or two)
-Plastic people
-Scissors or sharp knife to cut eye holes.

Don't Forget to Vote!
If you are trick-or-treating alone this year, or don't have a partner to dress up with, I recommend my favorite costume... What could be spookier than Uncle Sam carrying a body bag with a body in it? This is definitely a fun costume to wear in pro-war neighborhoods.

For the body bag, I use an ordinary military duffel bag which perfectly accomodates my mannequin's lower torso. Her army boots are allowed to dangle out the end. A nice touch this year is to wear both Obama and McCain pins to remind everyone that both are pro-war candidates, and will be responsible for lots of body bags filled with American GI's. A grim thought, and just perfect for Halloween on an election year.

What's Needed:
-Uncle Sam mask, or makeup. (If you are using makeup, you'll need to find one of those ridiculous Uncle Sam hats)
-Coveralls (I use a radiation suit, but they are difficult to come by)
-Military duffel bag
-Lower torso of a mannequin
-One McCain pin
-One Obama pin
-Army boots

If I Only Had a Brain
Another great political costume that reminds folks about the election is a scarecrow with the face of John McCain. This costume makes it obvious to everyone who the straw man is in this election cycle. If I only had a brain is the perfect song for Whistlin' Scarecrow McCain as he mingles with voters.

A Don't Think! Vote Republican! pin is nice addition to this costume.

What's Needed:
-Hay or straw
-Straw hat
-Overalls or trousers
-Flannel shirt
-John McCain Masque
-One Don't Think! Vote Republican! pin

Yawn Jockey
This costume may be politically incorrect, but Halloween isn't about touchy-feely hug-a-thons. To me, its about making people think. For some people, that is a most terrifying prospect. In this community, Barak Obama is hailed as a messianic figure who's going to save us all from ourselves, therefore depicting Obama as the Lawn Jockey of the DNC will shock and terrify even the most liberal party goer.
A Vote Democrat - Keep Slavery Safe and Legal pin adds a nice touch to this costume.

What's Needed:
-Jockey uniform
-Obama masque
-One Vote Democrat! Keep Slavery Safe and Legal pin
-One mouth full of marbles

Happy Halloween!
Don't Forget to Vote!

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