Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HOPE is Over - One Year Later - More War

The Dream is Over

I hate to say that I told you so... actually I love to say I told you so, even though being right all the time is a bit burdensome.

Well, here we are a year later, and all that HOPE we heard so much about during the last presidential campain is now just another faded slogan on last year's Volvo Wagon.

We did it

Lots of the folks who voted for Obama expecting change, are expressing their loss of hope for the administration. Strangely, there are those superstitous few among us who still choose to believe in fairy tales. I always feel sorry for those hoodwinked masses who continue to display their misguided support for Obama on t-shirts and cars. Aren't they embarrassed? Don't they realize what fools they are? How do they function in the real world? They behave as though all is well and like Ostriches, have firmly buried their heads in the blissful sands of ignorance.

How many more bailouts?
How many more wars?
How many more troops?
How many more casualties?

or two or three or more...

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