Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Maverick is Back

Recently, American Maverick and former Republican Party Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain, proudly introduced The Dietary Supplement Safety Act (DSSA), a piece if legislation designed to repeal key sections of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) that protect availability of so-called nutritional supplements.

McCain's bill will put the distribution of vitamins, minerals and all other nutritional supplementation in the hands of medical doctors where it belongs. Who better to administer nutritional supplements than doctors who are required to take up to one full credit hour of nutrition during their college education?

Nutritional supplements will become classified as drugs, therefore, McCain's bill may also help to rid the nation of holistic and chiropractic quackery by preventing non-medical professionals from providing supplements or making nutritional recommendations to their patients who will be forced to see a real doctor for any nutritional advice.

Due to the high costs associated with testing and compliance, McCain's bill, if passed into law, will eliminate small nutritional companies. This will, in turn, necessitate production of vitamins by the larger and more established pharmaceutical companies, increasing profits for corporate heads and investors alike. It looks like a good time to invest big in Big Pharma.

McCain's bill will also act as a great distraction to lots of people who will get caught up in trying to protect their supplements, and dissuade them from becoming involved in other social and political issues.

Keep up the good work Senator McCain! You're a REAL maverick, and TRUE American.

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