I'm at McDonalds again. This time I'm inside, and for some wonderful reason, they're playing Brian Eno Music. The piece currently being played is from the For All Mankind soundtrack. Mighty Mo and I saw that movie when we lived in Madison,Wisconsin. That's where we were when our son, Mason decided it was time to be born. That was 21 years ago next week.
My 91 Ford 4X4 getting covered.
I drove to the location of the old Anaconda Mine today, and took this photo of the old slag pile because I liked the contrast between the black slag and the white snow.
There was plenty of snow for me to create a sculpture. Since there was plenty of food coloring in the cupboard, it seemed like the proper thing to do was to colorize my sculpture.
On Saturnday, my old high school buddy, Jon, accompanied me to the Utah State Fairgrounds where we attended the Belly Dance Festival. I met lots of nice folks, and got some lovely photos too. The above stereoscopic image is of a collection of masks that were being sold by one of the vendors there.
On the way to the event, I shot this stereoscopic image of some power lines near Salt Lake International Aeropuerto.
Here's to your son then! I loved that perfect foot print in the snow and all the other pics as well. Your report from behind the curtain was excellent!