Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama Re-election Fund Raiser in Park City, UT

Today, First Lady, Michelle Obama, arrived here in Utah to attend an exciting re-election fund raising breakfast in Park City. I hope that she likes cold eggs, because by the time she showed up, it was already afternoon.

The cold breakfast with the first lady, cost attendees $1,000 per plate, but to sit near Mrs. Obama cost many thousands of dollars more, and for only ten grand, supporters got their photos taken with the power icon. I'm sure it was worth every cent.

Five Reasons to Re-elect President Obama

Since so many people are willing to pour so much money into President Obama's re-election campaign, I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some of the president's achievements, and based on what he has accomplished, distill the primary reasons why someone would consciously vote for him again or for the first time.

1 Obama supporters love WAR.
President Obama has demonstrated his willingness to commit tens of thousands of American troops to WAR zones, as well as invade and conduct assassination campaigns in sovereign nations. A re-election of the president will result in the deployment of more American troops on foreign soil, and perpetual invasions of sovereign nations.

2 Obama supporters love CORPORATE BAILOUTS.
In President Obama's first term, trillions of dollars of tax payer's money was given to corrupt lenders, fiscally irresponsible corporations and international bankers. His re-election will no doubt result in more buy outs, corporate bailouts, and more handouts to international bankers.

3 Obama supporters love HOMELESSNESS.
The money thrown away on buy outs, bailouts and handouts would have been more than sufficient to keep every American experiencing mortgage problems in their homes. Now millions of Americans are homeless, and their houses are empty. President Obama's re-election will result in the same old policies that protect the banks and to hell with the individual.

4 Obama supporters love RADIATION.
President Obama has expressed his advocacy for nuclear energy, what has proven to be the most toxic, and unsafe form of energy currently available on our planet. The RADIATION from nuclear disasters Earth has already suffered have created permanent forbidden zones where no one can live or work, and RADIATION from these accidents continue to irreparably harm the quality of life everywhere on the planet. The re-election of the president will realize the construction of more nuclear power plants, the generation of more nuclear waste, plus the likelihood of more accidents, and resulting RADIOACTIVE contamination.

5 Obama supporters love the PATRIOT ACT.
In addition to expanded surveillance privileges, since Mr. Obama took office,
the government has launched a privacy attack against ordinary Americans on other fronts, most visibly in airports where citizens are regularly subjected to unreasonable searches, RADIATION from the infamous body scanners, or a humiliating physical groping by TSA employees for those who decline the scanner. The re-election of President Obama will result in more eavesdropping, more unreasonable searches, more groping, and more travel restrictions.

What Can You Do?

An election of Bachman, Huntsman, Palen or Romney will yield similar results, because they are all pretty much the same when it comes to these basic issues. So, I hope that you like more of the same old same old, because that's what you are going to get if you continue to support the corporatist mainstreamers that are regularly featured on TV and in papers and magazines.

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