Sunday, September 18, 2011

BIRDHAND Live in Utah

Last week, I had the opportunity to hang out with the band, Birdhand, for a couple of days as they make their way across the country to tour with Bad Brains on the east coast of the US.

They finished up their recording set in LA at about 3:00 AM, then hit the road to Utah for a grueling eleven hour drive through the darkness.

After a four hour sleep in the tents that I set up in the back yard, the boys woke up to dinner and fun with smoke balls and sparklers... and 3D photography.

Before long, twas time to head to the big city, and prepare for their performance at the Bar DeluXe, who, unfortunately for the folks in Salt Lake City, did nothing to promote Birdhand, therefore, Utahn's missed out on a great show by one of California's best bands.

On Birdhand's first show of their post-studio, cross-country tour, a handful of lucky people caught the show, and were treated to the first live performance of three new songs.

Video to follow!!!


  1. Dave,
    Boy, ain't that the truth??? From your neck of the woods. I knew lots of folks who worked at Oscar Mayer when I lived in Madison. I like the story about the worker who disappeared and assumed to have become an Oscar Mayer Wiener. Good eatin'
