Friday, October 7, 2011

Ten Years in Afghanistan - America's Longest War

Congratulations America!
You played right into their hands.


  1. It's gone from Alexander the Great to America. Afghanistan has know only centuries of being occupied and yet that country has some how lived with ever since. I just hope we will not be there for too long like it was when the British were back then. It took them forever to finally get out over there for good! They were convinced that the Afghans were going to have tea and crumpets and settle into being just like them. But they saw that it was not going to be that way. So they gradually pulled out over a number of years until the country was left on it's own then. Now here we are doing the same thing to that country in our own unique way. Let us end it now and never do it again in the future!

  2. this is found art. It was probably mangled by lawn mower blades. O found it whilst preparing
    the garden.
