Monday, January 25, 2016

Embrace 2016 to Ensure Candidates for Peace!

Last December, there was a lot of lip service being paid to the phrase, "Peace on Earth and good will to men." Now that we're only days away from the first presidential primaries, it's time to put your money where your mouth is and choose PEACE. 

In 2016, the two major parties provide only two peace candidates out of all the presidential contestants; one per party. Those candidates are Bernie Sanders, (Democrat) and Rand Paul (Republican). Personally, I'm not thrilled with Sanders or Paul, but let there be no doubt, if any of the other candidates are elected, WAR will be the result. That includes Ms. Rodham-Clinton, who has expressed her interventionist intentions on numerous occasions.

Simply put, America can't afford another war. We can't even afford our current wars and continue to borrow money from China to pay for our excessive spending. A quarter of our national debt has been incurred by increased funding for big-government interventionist policies. War may be good for the military industrial complex, but carries with it numerous negative side effects that far outweigh any supposed benefit.

  • Results in the deaths of far too many innocents
  • Fuels the refugee situation
  • Creates new enemies
  • Means sending our troops to kill, and die for greedy profiteers
  • Means that our quality of life at home continues to be downgraded
  • Brings the sacrifice our liberties for the promise of security, meanwhile our bridges and infrastructure crumble and society suffers
I have no delusion that Americans will suddenly wake up to a sense of our awful situation and vote responsibly. While I have serious doubts that either Sanders or Paul will be nominated by their respective parties, we have to make the effort, otherwise there is no hope for peace. 

I also question the authenticity of voting and suspect wide-spread vote fraud in our electoral process. However, I do feel that it is imperative to take a stand for peace, especially individually at the polling stations. 

It will be important for peace advocates to take certain steps to ensure that we have two peace candidates on the general election ballot:

    1. Register to vote.
    2. Vote and caucus for Sanders and Paul, depending on which party you are registered with.
    3 Become a delicate, and/or find out who your delegates are, and convince them to support peace.
    4 Be present when the votes are counted. Attempts will be made to count the votes secretly, but use your influence to make the tally public before the results are sent to party headquarters. 
    5 When you discover vote fraud in your precinct, make a big deal out of it. Write letters to editors, make YouTube videos and share on social media. Demand accountability.
I 'm not a naive Nevil Chamberlain. I'm well aware that there are lots of bad governments in the world. I also know that it is not America's job to be the policeman, judge, jury and executioner of the world. 

Be careful what you vote for. 

A vote for Clinton, Trump, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Bush, etc. is a sustained affirmation for perpetual war, and there will be "blood on the hands" of those who elect warmongers.

If you are registered as a Democrat or Republican, please consider the importance and weight of your decision, and support your peace candidate! Then, maybe by some miracle, peace will break out. 

Peace on earth and good will toward all mankind.

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