Well, I've gone and done something that will not receive the blessing of my fervorously Democrat father. Everyone who knows me well, is aware that I've been a faithful LIBERTARIAN since 1980 when I was only seventeen years old, before I could even vote. I became aware at an early age that the Republican/Democrat arrangement was a sham designed to keep the populous divided amongst themselves. When I was in high school, I discovered that the principles of the LIBERTARIAN Party reflect my views on freedom, and the proper role of government. I was naive enough to believe that if I could figure it out, certainly it was obvious to everyone else too... but everyone was distracted by sports on TV and didn't pay attention to what was going on in the real world. In 1988 the LIBERTARIAN candidate for president was Ron Paul, a man who's vision and understanding of the world was more practical and responsible than any of the other candidates. Ron Paul received my vote in 1988, but unfortunately, Americans were happy with status quo, and elected former CIA Director, George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush promised* that if elected, he would not raise taxes, but eventually stuck Americans with the largest tax increase in history, and perpetuated his deja voodoo economic** policies throughout his term as president. I wasn't surprised.
Now, here we are all these years later, and I can't help but wonder what the country would be like had Americans awakened from their slumber and elected Ron Paul in 1988. With another election year around the corner, a host of hopefuls touting the same old, same old have cast in their hats for the top office. The only noticeable difference is that this time there is actually someone worthy of my vote, and he happens to be a Republican. Therefore I have done something I have never done before, and registered as a Republican so that I can support Ron Paul in the primary elections. Wow, I've never voted for a Republican before... sorry, Dad, but you're the one who always told me to do the right thing.
The GOP, (and DNC for that matter), must be terrified that someone so honest has been persuaded by the masses to run for president. So far there have been a handful of major debates among the Republican candidates, and polls declare Ron Paul to be the winner, the results of which have been completely ignored by the popular media who had anticipated that Giuliani or Romney would walk away with wins. Paul wasn't invited to attend the next Republican debate. Out of sight, out of mind. The Republican Party puppeteers hope that if they ignore Ron Paul, maybe he'll go away. He was finally allowed to debate in Iowa, and an ABC poll declared Paul to be the winner with 63% of the vote. In Manchester, New Hampshire, Paul received the most votes with the exception of two categories, "Snappiest Dresser'" which went to Romney, (no surprise there), and "Most disappointing performance" which went to Giuliani. Unfortunately, Paul was ignored most of the night, and only asked to respond to a couple of questions. Obviously, someone is attempting to silence Ron Paul's message, and prevent him from getting the nomination of the Republican Party even though he leads in virtually every internet poll, for both major parties.
For the first time as long as I can remember, the choice is perfectly clear.
Status Quo or Ron Paul
Choose wisely.
*"Read my lips... No new taxes." George Herbert Walker Bush
**In the 1980 Republican primary debates, candidate George Herbert walker Bush attacked candidate Ronald Reagan's Trickle Down Economic Plan calling it Voodoo Economics. Ironically, when Bush became president, he continued the same economic policies established by his predecessor.
Good for you. I, too, have vacated my Independent registration to become a Republican voter in this year's primary to support Ron Paul.