Sunday, October 7, 2007
Censorship$ Ahoy!
( ; The following message is controlled information ; )
Recently, I conducted a little mass media experiment at the a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on technology and science, known as digg. Mine Frenzel agreed to submit the previous Zenberg blog entry entitled, Ron Paul vs Status Quo - I Sing The Body Politique at the digg site with the description: "A long time Libertarian registers Republican to support Ron Paul..." I followed the new story closely, and observed that within the first hour, more than twenty people had dugg the submittal. After the first hour however, I noticed that the story could no longer be located using digg's powerful search engine.
The URL search revealed two other Zenberg stories, but did not list the Ron Paul story. Hmmm, very suspicious. Finally, I discovered that the only way to locate the story on digg, was to go directly to the following digg URL:
Its been a week now, and the above URL is still the only way to find the story. There are hundreds of other Ron Paul stories on digg, so why single mine out for censorship? What made this one different? Perhaps someone felt threatened by a third party supporter registering as a Republican for the sole purpose of voting in the primary. But, who would be threatened by that?
Possible answers:
1 The GOP certainly wants to maintain control over the party, and not let it fall back into the hands of the people, even if they don't intend on taking the highest office in 2008, controlling the party is eminent. The Republicans don't want third parties to infiltrate their carefully crafted hold on the so called conservative voting block, even if it means that the best man may not win.
2 Ron Paul running as the Republican candidate is the last thing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) wants to deal with in 2008. They're afraid that if Americans hear Paul debate Hillary, that will be the end of the Clinton Camelot dream, and aspirations for a Democrat in the White House. The DNC is hoping the Republicans will present them with an easy to defeat Straw Man like back in 1996. Bob Dole was never expected to win... and made it easy for Clinton to maintain his presidential charade for another four years.
Both parties want to perpetuate their stronghold on the American tax payers... who pay their huge salaries, and provide them with health insurance and retirement plans. That isn't likely to change until more of us become aware that we're all pawns in a bigger game.
"Dig me, but don't bury me" King Crimson 1984
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