Saturday, January 5, 2008

Best One Won't Be Seen?

Today on the Web page, the headline ironically reads:

May the Best One Win

The article draws attention to the upcoming presidential debate on FOX Sunday night, but unfortunately FOX viewers won't be seeing the Best candidate because he has been excluded from attending, even though he came in six percentage points ahead of Giuliani who has been invited to attend. Once again, Ron Paul is being ignored by the national media in order to prevent US citizens from seeing that they actually have a choice this time, and don't have to be beholden to the special interest influenced candidates. Shame on FOX for not allowing America to see all of their choices, and for stifling free-speech at a time when this country needs true leadership, and honest reporting.

FOX claims that their coverage of issues is fair and balanced. However, it is blatantly evident that they are neither fair nor balanced when it comes to Ron Paul... so why should I trust them on any other issue? I suppose that FOX could claim that they're not ignoring Ron Paul more than any other network. I guess that FOX is just like all the other networks now.

So much for honesty and fairness in reporting.

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