In an ideal world, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul would have been the winners of the first presidential caucus of 2008. Welcome to the real (dumb) world. Last night Iowans made it clear that they don't understand the proper role of government when they caucused for Huckabee and Obama.
Born Again Christian Beats Mormon
It shouldn't be a surprise that a boring again Christian won the Republican caucus. After all, back in 1988 televangelist Pat Robertson came in second, ahead of George H. W. Bush, and in 1996 Pat Buchanan made a strong second place showing. No doubt the Baptist churches all across the state preached about the Mormon boogyman to scare voters away from supporting Romney. As usual, Ron Paul experienced a near media blackout, and still managed to come in ahead of Giuliani, and walk away with a tithe of votes. At least ten percent of Iowan Republicans have a clue.
Black Man Beats Woman
It is wonderful that a black person has won a caucus, the first in the nation... ever. Although Hillary came in third, (behind EdWARds), it should be remembered that in 1992 Bill Clinton came in third place in the Iowa caucus, and still became president. We haven't seen the last of Ms. Rodham-Clinton.
War Mongers and Circus Clowns
None of the big top winners in Iowa have plans to end the war any time soon... not even the self proclaimed Christian minister who came in first place. As I recall, a week or so ago, someone was saying something about peace on earth and good will toward men?
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