Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Whole Country Went To Hell, and All I got Was This T-Shirt

Ron Paul 2008 Dark T-Shirt

Post electronique election blues :-(
I was standing in front of the concave mirror plucking nose hairs when I heard that Obama would be our next president. I was so glad that McCain hadn't won, but the news came with a bit of pain as I plucked an extra thick gray hair from deep within my left nostril. The sensation stimulated my tear duct and saline fluid squirted out of my left eye and ran down my cheek, leaving a shiny wet trail that glistened in the bright bathroom light. Ouch! That hurt.
Historical hysteria

No big surprise in the presidential election except for the fact that it turned out a bit different than I predicted it would back in January. I figured Hillary would secure the Democratic nomination, and she did get the popular vote, but now I can see how she was used in a clever distraction plot that rallied the masses in a pseudo debate that would result in either a woman or African American in the White House. Unprecedented indeed!

During the presidential primaries there actually was a real Maverick of Change ignored by the media machine... A real choice. Unfortunately, the choices presented were focused on race, gender, and religion, whereas t
he choice ignored by the media fought for fiscal responsibility in government, constitutional leadership, and an end to the war.

I must admit that it was fascinating to observe the propaganda machine's ability to completely squelch the candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul, who did amazingly well considering how much he was ignored by the media. I can't place all of the blame of the media's manipulation though. Americans themselves need to take individual responsibility for becoming so complacent, uninformed, and for getting swept up in the
historical hysteria.

Meet the new boss... same as the old boss...
Personally, I am thrilled that an African American has ascended to the office of President of the United States. It is truly wonderful that we have come this far. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama has come into office during one of the greatest crises in our Nation's history and will have a difficult go of it. I pray that he will be successful at bringing this country together, and restoring honor to the White House. I have my doubts, though. He intends on sending more Americans to fight in Afghanistan, and plans to continue the war on terrorism. We simply can't afford these expensive wars right now.
Mother of all concession speeches

John McCain's concession speech was gracious and delivered with humility and genuineness. If his speeches had been as moving during the campaign, the outcome may have been different... but that wasn't the plan was it? Straw men aren't designed to win.

Ron Paul in 2008 Light T-Shirt

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