Monday, December 22, 2008

Reflections of Santa Cruz

made a quick trip to the post office early this morning and found that all three drop boxes were completely full and nearly overflowing... stuffed with last-minute holiday cards. I shoved three envelopes into a space in the box, and continued down the street. I hadn't gone far when I noticed a mural reflecting in a pool of rainwater that had accumulated over night. I quickly pulled over and grabbed my camera.

I was stabilizing my awesome little Cannon Power Shot A710 IS against a no parking sign when, out of the corner of my face, I saw a car pull up and stop next to me in the no parking zone. I cast quick a glance toward the visitor to determine whether I needed to run, fight, or prepare to meet my maker. Fortunately it was only a Santa Cruz Police officer.

I continued taking photos of the large puddle when I was approached by the officer who politely asked me what I was doing. It was all too obvious, but I answered his query by telling him that I was attempting to photograph the reflection of the mural before the sun hit the wall. He asked me if I was a photographer, and I said no, but that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get a picture of the reflection. As another squad car pulled up for backup, he told me that he had stopped because I looked weird* the way I was squatting on the curb, leaning against the pole. I laughed, and continued snapping photos. He bid me farewell, and politely wished me a good day.

I felt a bit rushed in the presence of the authority figures, therefore the pictures didn't turn out nearly as well as I had hoped. Excuses excuses. Hey, I'm not a photographer... but I play one on Rhetro TV.

* Wow! I feel like I've accomplished something today. It's tough to look weird in Santa Cruz, and I did it.

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