Thursday, June 29, 2023

Iconic Ritz in Tooele Dies

So sad to learn that the old iconic Ritz Theater is closing its doors for good this Friday. The amazing space-theme retro-future murals on the walls have inspired me and been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I witnessed my very first big screen movie there as a baby. Apparently, I didn’t enjoy the experience and spent most of the time in the cry room. Wah! I’m remembering some of the many movies that I watched at the Ritz: Soylent Green, Omega Man, Fiddler on the Roof, Tommy, and of course, Whiffs, which was filmed in Tooele. When my own kids were small and we were in town visiting grandma and grandpa, I made sure that my little ones got to experience the Ritz. I took Mason to Muppets in Space, and Kirsten and I saw Cowboys and Aliens, (keeping with the space theme). I’d love to go one more time, but the “theatrical attraction” is less than attractive to me and I’d prefer to say goodbye to the Ritz with fond memories intact. I do wish the Ritz would say goodbye with a feature that had actually been filmed in Tooele. That would have been appropriate. Whiffs and/or Gentlemen Broncos would be my choices. Whiffs would be fun because it was filmed almost entirely in Tooele and depicts the town as it was in the mid 70s. Gentleman Broncos is perfect because some of it was filmed in the lobby of the Ritz and the dome home in the movie  is the actual home of the Ritz owner. Goodbye Ritz. Thank You!!! ðŸ˜¢

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Monday, March 6, 2023

Me Myself & Al

Once upon a time, in the arid deserts of the old southwest, there lived a clever and elusive creature known as the jackalope. With the body of a bunny and the antlers like a deer, the jackalope was a master of camouflage and stealth, able to blend seamlessly into its surroundings and avoid detection from predators.

One day, the jackalope found itself in a particularly dangerous situation. A group of coyotes had been stalking it for hours, and the jackalope knew that it was only a matter of time before they caught up to it. But the jackalope was not one to give up without a fight, and so it began to search for a way to outsmart its attackers.

That's when it saw it: a piece of desert camo uniform from a nearby dead soldier. Without a second thought, the jackalope snatched up the fabric with its funny front teeth and began to wrap it around its body, using the patterns and colors of the fabric to blend in with the surrounding terrain.

As the coyotes approached, the jackalope held its breath, waiting for them to make their move. But to its surprise, the coyotes walked right past, completely oblivious to its presence. For the rest of the day, the jackalope moved through the desert, perfectly hidden from all who sought to harm it.

From that day forward, the jackalope continued to exploit the power of desert camo, and began to seek out more scraps of fabric to add to its collection. With each new address, the jackalope became more and more adept at blending in with its surroundings, and has became one of the most elusive creatures in the Americas. 

And so the legend of the jackalope and its mastery of stealth has perpetuated, passed down from generation to generation as a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of this cunning and unique creature. For as long as there were deserts to roam and predators to evade, the jackalope would always be ready to don its camo and disappear into the desert.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Happy Blogday 14


Another Blogday, and after two years of two weeks to soften the curve, we're risking an all-out war with the Ruskies. I know, I know... the state department has worked hard for this for a long, long time, and now it's their big moment to go down in history as the people who thought it'd be fun... and worth the risk. Meantime, everything that you see is controlled because the first casualty in WAR is always the TRUTH.