Thursday, March 29, 2007

Weapons of Natural Destruction - Who's Side Is God On Anyway?

Since September 11th the US policy towards terrorism has been, "If you're not with us, you are against us." Most countries have denounced terrorism, and those who haven't have been warned, sanctioned, threatened and/or conquered. On numerous occasions, President Bush has said that "We're winning the war on terror... God bless America." However, recent global cataclysmic events such as the tsunami in Thailand, and the hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes in the United States which have killed and displaced so many innocents, have the state department questioning who's side God is on, and has drafted a policy denouncing any deity who commits acts of terror. A complete list of deities is not yet available, but sources indicate that some of the gods who's most favored deity status is in question include Jehovah, Allah, and even Mother Nature and Mother Earth. No deities have commented on the new policy.

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