Showing posts with label I Sing The Body Politique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Sing The Body Politique. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Obama 2012 Campaign Bumper Sticker

Here's a simple bumper sticker with an honest message.

Monday, October 10, 2011

RON PAUL Wins Another Straw Poll

Your TV probably didn't tell you that Ron Paul won another straw poll.

1st Ron Paul-----------------37%-------:-)
2nd Herman Cain------------23%-------:-)
3rd Rick Santorum----------16%--------;-|
4th Michelle Bachman--------8%--------;-\
4th Rick Perry---------------8%--------;-/
5th Mitt Romney-------------4%--------;-(
6th Newt Gingrich------------3%--------;-(
7th John Huntsman-----------0%--------;-(

Values Voter Straw Poll

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

911 One Decade Later - 10 Years of Propaganda

Earlier last month, when I first heard about the American helicopter full of Navy Seals being destroyed in Afghanistan, I turned to my wife and said, "What do you want to bet that those were the guys who supposedly got Bin Laden?" My heart sank one evening a couple of weeks later as my suspicions were validated while watching the local news. It was reported that a Utah man had been killed in the helicopter calamity with the other Seals that are credited with capturing and killing Osama Bin Laden. I really do hate being right all the time.

Since Bin Laden was buried at sea, there was no physical body as evidence, and now, with the convenient destruction of an entire team of seals, there are no witnesses either. Brilliant.

The majority of the pharmaceutically-induced masses accepted the official narrative, (even though the story continued to change), without any question, and praised the president for his heroic decision to raid Bin Laden's compound.

It is terrifying to me to think that these people will stop at nothing, even the death of dozens of elite military forces, to perpetuate an authoritative narrative... even if it is a lie.

I've been intrigued with propaganda for as long as I can remember, and since September 11, 2001, there has been no shortage of powerfully manipulative information designed to fuel the war machine, and keep the masses ignorant and supportive.

My most recent favorite propaganda coup, was when President Obama released his fake birth certificate that even pro-Obama Photoshop experts who set out to vindicate the president said it must be a joke because it was so poorly manufactured, then, to take attention away from the obvious forgery, pretended to capture and kill Chief Boogyman, Osama Bin Laden.

For those of you with a short memory span, Monsieur Bin Laden was reported to have been on dialysis nearly a decade ago. An adult of Bin Laden's maturity could never have survived all these years, even under the best medical supervision, in the best American hospital. Osama Bin Laden was dead many years ago, but the military industrial complex needed a powerful boogyman to fuel the fears, that perpetuate trillions of dollars of funding... one source of America's economic woes.

Wake up America. It's been ten years, and it's time to stop dreaming.

Flash Back to a more innocent time.

"Here come the planes... They're American planes... Made in America." Laurie Anderson
"One day you wake up, and you didn't even know you were asleep" Adrian Belew

I was still dreaming that I was looking for my glasses when suddenly, my alarm clock radio sounded, just as I had programmed it to the night before. As usual, the dial was set to 1080 am KSCO, and I was still shaking the dreams from my head when I heard the familiar voice of radio personality Rosemary Chalmers, in her wonderful British accent saying something like, "We've just received word that an aeroplane has crashed into the World Trade Center..." I didn't wait to hear any more, and exploded from my bed. I quickly climbed the stairs on all fours, using my hands to claw my way to the top. Barely maintaining balance, my feet slid beneath me on the cold, slick, stone tile floor as I cornered a sharp right turn into the living room, and scurried toward the television set. I knew it would be a hot topic on CNN, there would no doubt be live coverage. I never watch TV, and my family appeared surprised to see me moving so quickly to get to the boob tube, and then speed through the channels... clicking as quickly a humanly possible, until finally, there it was... unbelievable! In the distance, thick black smoke was billowing from the injured north tower. Upon a rooftop, a talking head stood at a safe and picturesque distance, reporting on how much they didn't know about the situation... but the images were great so he kept on talking. As I viewed the spectacle in awe, I observed a dot crossing the screen behind the reporter's head... and another aeroplane crashed spectacularly into the south tower. No! I cried as it burst into flames right before my eyes on live TV. As I sobbed in horrified disbelief, my son asked innocently, "Were there people on that plane?" I looked at him and gave an affirmative nod. He had been on an airliner, and could easily imagine how many people were involved. The realization was met with a welling up of tears, which soon overflowed their small reservoirs and streamed down his smooth cheeks, dropping to the floor. "Why would someone do that?" he asked while thick black smoke belched and billowed from both towers. There were hundreds of people trapped above the flames, and it was reported that some of them were jumping from the blazing inferno rather than face a painful fiery demise. The situation was not good for those still in the towers.
1rst casualty in war

Now it was obvious that America was under terrorist attack, and an order was quickly issued for a
ll airliners to land immediately while fighter jets scrambled to intercept any planes that did not heed the grounding order. Before long, another airliner had crashed into the Pentagon in Washington DC, while another had mysteriously crashed in a wooded area of Pennsylvania. Knowing that fighters had been dispatched to intercept wayward airliners, I was suspicious about the Pennsylvania crash from the beginning. America was now at war, and it appeared that we had brought down one of our own to protect real estate, and heads of state. A heart warming hero story was cooked up to feed the frenzy, casting the victims of United flight 93 as heroes who prevented the terrorists from reaching their intended target by crashing the plane in the unpopulated Pennsylvanian woods. Its a nice story, but as a student of propaganda, I know that in war, truth is the first casualty. There were reports of other unexplained explosions in the Washington DC area that morning, but they were soon forgotten... swept away in the official mass media mantra.Apocalyptus on live TV

It was a scene from an apocalyptic nightmare. We sat watching the TV in disbelief as the first tower co
llapsed from structural fatigue. It fell as though a demolition crew had expertly placed charges in strategic positions. Tears streamed down my face as I watched in horror as my Familia Human ran from the toxic dust cloud which pursued them through the streets of Manhattan. The devastation was unbelievable, and the second tower soon collapsed in like manner. Many thousands were injured, and no one yet knew how many thousands were dead... or if there would be more attacks... America went on paranoid alert.Reflex retaliation

Many thousands more would die as America went off to war in Afghanistan, then Iraq, and recently Libya. Remember ten years ago, when seemingly overnight, the brightly coloured American flag stickers of
red white & blue, placed alongside yellow ribbons, (ironically made in China), adorned automobiles nationwide in support of war... and revenge?A neo-McCarthyistic policy was soon embraced by the administration... those not with us are against us, and suspect.Faded glory

These colors don't run" But they do fade.
Now, a decade later, the once colourful
flags and ribbons have all faded, and so has support for war. Americans are divided now more than ever... There appears to be no end to the war in sight, meanwhile trillion$ of dollar$ continue to be diverted to the effort, as America's infrastructure collapses, and her economy continues to collapse despite assurances from the administration.
Rhetropinion & prediction

It is Rhetro Zenberg's opinion that America is $pending way too much money fighting a war it does not intend to win. Don't get me wrong... I want those responsible for what happened ten years ago as much as the next red blooded American, but we've already lost, and ki
lled WAY too many innocents in this terror war. The situation in Iraq is similar but worse than Vietnam, because our intervention has effectively eliminated the only threat to neighboring Iran's Islamo-fascist aspirations as a world power.

1, Due to the destabilization of the region, Iran wi
ll ascend as a formidable nuclear power.
2, Iran will suffer from nuclear accidents as they unravel the mysteries atomique.
3, Iran wi
ll face retaliatory attacks, for their use or attempted use of atomic weapons.
4, America wi
ll somehow find a way to be involved. In short... more war.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Ultimately, the choice belongs to the electorate. America can sti
ll wake up and elect people like Ron Paul who won't be so quick to engage in armed conflict, but that will never happen as long as we continue to elect pro-war Republicrats to [mis] represent US.

Have a nice war
or two or three or four or... HOW MANY MORE?

Monday, August 15, 2011

D is for Distraction

Most Americans were distracted by the grandiose season finale of So You Think You Can Dance, and weren't even aware that Ron Paul was kicking ass in the FOX News hosted presidential debate to determine the victor in yesterday's Iowa Straw Poll.

Here's a bit of what you may have missed.

Ultimately, Michelle Bachman was declared the victor in the Straw Poll, but won by less than a percentage point over Ron Paul, who received little recognition for his virtual tie for first place. Strangely, the media is making excuses for Mitt Romney's poor performance in the prestigious Straw Poll, saying that he skipped Iowa, yet anyone can plainly see that Mr. Romney was there stumping for votes. In reality, Iowa skipped Mitt Romney.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Obama Re-election Fund Raiser in Park City, UT

Today, First Lady, Michelle Obama, arrived here in Utah to attend an exciting re-election fund raising breakfast in Park City. I hope that she likes cold eggs, because by the time she showed up, it was already afternoon.

The cold breakfast with the first lady, cost attendees $1,000 per plate, but to sit near Mrs. Obama cost many thousands of dollars more, and for only ten grand, supporters got their photos taken with the power icon. I'm sure it was worth every cent.

Five Reasons to Re-elect President Obama

Since so many people are willing to pour so much money into President Obama's re-election campaign, I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some of the president's achievements, and based on what he has accomplished, distill the primary reasons why someone would consciously vote for him again or for the first time.

1 Obama supporters love WAR.
President Obama has demonstrated his willingness to commit tens of thousands of American troops to WAR zones, as well as invade and conduct assassination campaigns in sovereign nations. A re-election of the president will result in the deployment of more American troops on foreign soil, and perpetual invasions of sovereign nations.

2 Obama supporters love CORPORATE BAILOUTS.
In President Obama's first term, trillions of dollars of tax payer's money was given to corrupt lenders, fiscally irresponsible corporations and international bankers. His re-election will no doubt result in more buy outs, corporate bailouts, and more handouts to international bankers.

3 Obama supporters love HOMELESSNESS.
The money thrown away on buy outs, bailouts and handouts would have been more than sufficient to keep every American experiencing mortgage problems in their homes. Now millions of Americans are homeless, and their houses are empty. President Obama's re-election will result in the same old policies that protect the banks and to hell with the individual.

4 Obama supporters love RADIATION.
President Obama has expressed his advocacy for nuclear energy, what has proven to be the most toxic, and unsafe form of energy currently available on our planet. The RADIATION from nuclear disasters Earth has already suffered have created permanent forbidden zones where no one can live or work, and RADIATION from these accidents continue to irreparably harm the quality of life everywhere on the planet. The re-election of the president will realize the construction of more nuclear power plants, the generation of more nuclear waste, plus the likelihood of more accidents, and resulting RADIOACTIVE contamination.

5 Obama supporters love the PATRIOT ACT.
In addition to expanded surveillance privileges, since Mr. Obama took office,
the government has launched a privacy attack against ordinary Americans on other fronts, most visibly in airports where citizens are regularly subjected to unreasonable searches, RADIATION from the infamous body scanners, or a humiliating physical groping by TSA employees for those who decline the scanner. The re-election of President Obama will result in more eavesdropping, more unreasonable searches, more groping, and more travel restrictions.

What Can You Do?

An election of Bachman, Huntsman, Palen or Romney will yield similar results, because they are all pretty much the same when it comes to these basic issues. So, I hope that you like more of the same old same old, because that's what you are going to get if you continue to support the corporatist mainstreamers that are regularly featured on TV and in papers and magazines.

Monday, June 27, 2011

My Question to the Presidential Candidates

Last year, in a surprising ruling, the United States Supreme Court announced that corporations are equal to, and considered to be, persons. Earlier this year, the same court declared that since it is considered to be a person, a corporation can contribute unlimited funds to campaigns and political organizations.

Here's my question to the candidates:

Do you think that corporate personhood is a good idea, and would you consider selecting a corporation as your vice-presidential running mate?

Boeing - Coke 2012

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ron Paul for Mothers Day

The best thing that could happen to American mothers, would be having Ron Paul as President of the United States. 

No one cuts through the political bullshit better than the seasoned politician who always tells the truth, no matter how painful or unpopular it may be. 

Unfortunately, there are those who don't want American's to know the truth, therefore corporatists, like Obama, Palin and Romney, get to take center stage, distracting the masses with color, curves and cash, meanwhile, freedom continues to dissipate like a fart in a windstorm.*  

Last Thursday, Ron Paul participated in the first 2012 presidential debate that was held in South Carolina, and as one would expect, there were attempts to defame Congressman Paul. Here is one example. 

* one of my mom's funny old sayings. I miss her today.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ron Paul for President 2012 - Peace in our Day?

Today, Texas Congressman Ron Paul announced the formation of a committee to explore his candidacy for President of the United States.

So far, Mr. Paul is the only politician that has thrown his hat into the ring who stands for PEACE. Everyone else is in favor of perpetuating the expensive, illegal, and immoral wars in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. Not even our peace prize toting president has any intention of ending those wars, and even seems to be accelerating America's military presence in more places than most people can keep track of.

It is Rhetro Zenberg's opinion that if Ron Paul is serious about his bid for president, he should exploit the PEACE card, and make PEACE the focus of his campaign.

How will you vote... PEACE or war? The choice should be simple, and obvious.

Friday, April 15, 2011

NSTIC is Here - America's New Internet Identity Program

Say goodbye to Social Security numbers, dates of birth and mother's maiden names, and say hello to the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, (NSTIC), America's new government-coordinated initiative to establish a national digital identity system.

This grandiose public-private partnership promises to become an identity ecosystem designed to protect Americans from on line scams and accelerate internet commerce.

Although praised for security assurances, NSTIC isn't without criticism. There are realistic fears that NSTIC may actually have a negative effect on privacy, and because it stops short of specific laws, regulation or mandates regarding security and privacy concerns, NSTIC could potentially become a new marketplace for personal identities.

Monday, April 11, 2011

VOTE 2012 - Mitt Romney for President

The pr agency advising the Mitt Romney campaign should know better than making a major announcement on a Monday, but that is what happened earlier today when the former Massachusetts governor proclaimed that he is interested in becoming President of the United States. God help us. We might as well re-elect Obama or George W, because Romney is a pro-war corporatist exactly like them and all the other bad presidents who have contributed to our current economic condition.

No thank you Mr. Romney.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

US Out of Libya

It has been difficult for me to hold my tongue with so much going on in the world right now. I have so much to say, especially about the new war we have become entangled in. Let there be no doubt, we are at war with Libya. President Obama, without congressional approval, has overstepped his authority, and launched an illegal war against a sovereign nation that will cost American taxpayers billions of dollars, and lots of lives.

This is an important issue that needs our immediate attention, so please take five minutes to hear what America's true agent of change, and real maverick, Congressman Ron Paul. has to say about this most-important situation.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Best of 2010 - WikiLeaks

God bless WikiLeaks, the best thing to happen to TRUTH in a century. Thanks to information provided by WikiLeaks, we now KNOW that global warming is a farce, and that our government doesn't operate in OUR best interest... No surprise there, but I'm always happy to confirm my personal suspicions. I HOPE enough of us will pay attention to WikiLeaks revelations, and help to create some real CHANGE in the world.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What is the Difference Between a Duck?

While all of us are busily distracted and scrambling to perform our super-human holiday tasks, our government is hard at work sterilizing free speech in America.

A few months back, I proposed that measures would soon be taken to cleanse the internet of sites that expose the real agenda of our government. We're seeing the beginnings of that cleansing now. We all witnessed how last week the Obama Administration decided to punish WikiLeaks for telling the truth, meanwhile, Google has informed Alex Jones that his Prison Planet YouTube channel will be suspended because one of his videos features a portion of a WikiLeaked video that documents a US helicopter firing on civilians in Iraq. Looks like they're going after the big mouths first... and eventually they'll come for the rest of us who have anything to say that is contrary to the official position.

It'll be interesting to see if WikiLeaks and will be around for the next election season. Remember what happened to the Bunny Boy!!!

Look out! Quack! and this session, Lame.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

California Unter Alles

California + Jery Brown - 19 = worse than I thought.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Campaign For Liberty

*These next 48 hours are potentially the most dangerous time of the political year, as Harry Reid and his statist allies in Washington, D.C. decide whether to head home for the election or try to sneak in a last minute vote designed to take away liberty, and steal more of our money.

One Senator, South Carolina's Jim DeMint, has promised to place a hold on any legislation not agreed to by both parties. This does not guarantee Reid won’t try to force a controversial vote in the next two days, but the hold can only be overridden by scheduling a time-consuming cloture.

After the defeat of the DISCLOSE Act last week, Harry Reid and his cohorts are almost ready to tuck tail and head home, where we are waiting to hold them accountable for their votes over the past two years.

However, following the November elections, Harry Reid will pull out all the stops in a last ditch effort to pass as many bills as he can in a lame-duck session. According to a report in The Hill today, Democrats are planning to bring up as many as 20 bills in as little as six weeks! Bills such as S. 510, the FDA’s War on Food, Joseph Lieberman’s Internet Takeover Bill, Cap & Tax, and more.

Assigned reading for October
1984 - Brave New World
the Zenberg Blogue

*CFLRZ edit

Monday, June 28, 2010

Immigrant Song

Imagine, being able to cross any national border illegally, and expecting free medical care and education once there.

Only in America
... (just try it anywhere else).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools! Gulls Goats and Fish

I'd like to dedicate this April Fools Day to all of the gullible people who voted for Barack Obama thinking they were voting for change, AND all the goatable folks who thought McCain would be any different. "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!" Homer Simpson

Hook line and sinker...