Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ron Paul. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Signs of the Times

The day after my impaled tire incident, while I was riding my bike home, at the same place on Cayuga where I had the flat the previous day, and about the same time of day as well, an old 1970's Chevy pickup truck passed me bearing a RUDY bumper sticker... the first one I had ever seen. Next to it was a McCain bumper sticker... the first one of those I had seen as well. Wow, two firsts on one truck.

As I continued riding home, I thought about how strange it is that the big Republican front-runner has no visible support (at least in our community) except for one sticker on an old truck, next to a RUDY sticker... which implies to me that McCain wasn't his first choice. In contrast, there are hundreds of stickers and yard signs for the front-runner of the Democratic party. Barack Obama obviously has the biggest showing of support here in Santa Cruz, which is not very surprising given the fact that Surf City has a predominantly Democratic populous.

What is surprising, is how much visible support there is for the invisible candidate. Ron Paul also has hundreds of signs and stickers strewn about Santa Cruz County. He had more than everyone else combined for awhile there, but lately I see more Obama yard signs and bumper stickers every day. Obama's visible support is reflected in the polls, which currently puts him in the lead of his party, unlike Paul, who most folks assume is out of the running, or an insignificant third-party candidate because the media has so successfully ignored him... This is strange, and a little scary, considering Paul has more grass-roots support, and more remaining budget than any other Republican candidate. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Ron Paul is a real boy, and not a puppet, like John McCain.

Hillary has the next best showing of support in Santa Cruz, but has nowhere near as many signs and stickers as Obama or Paul. I still see lots of support for Dennis Kucinich too, even though he is officially out of the race now. I saw five Romney yard signs, and about that many stickers, but have never seen a single Huckabee sticker or sign. So here's the breakdown for visible support* here in Santa Cruz County... as I see it.

First place: Obama with hundreds.

Second place: Paul with hundreds - Paul had more support early on, but was recently surpassed by Obama signage.

Third place: Hillary with about a hundred.

Fourth place: Kucinich with less than one hundred stickers on cars in town.

Fifth place: Romney with ten or so signs and stickers.

Sixth place: Edwards with about four bumper stickers.

And, least but not last, is a tie betwixt McCain and Rudy with one sticker each, (I suspect I'll see more McCain ssupport as November draws nigh).

In last place, with NO visible showing in Santa Cruz, is Mike Huckabee with a big fat ZERO.

If an outsider, who knew nothing about the candidates came to Santa Cruz, they would assume that the election was between Barack Obama and Ron Paul.

* Yard signs, bumper stickers, graffiti, home made signs... the stuff one might see while touring about our fine berg.
Former President Clinton encourages passers-by to vote for Ron Paul.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ten Reasons NOT to Vote For RON PAUL on Super Dee Dooper Tuesday

Well here we are on the eve of Super Tuesday, a day I have been anxiously awaiting for many months. Tomorrow those of us here in California will join twenty-one other states and cast votes for our personal favorite presidential hopefuls. This year we have an opportunity for real change, that's why I'll be voting for Ron Paul.

If this election was a horse race, I'd be voting in the primary for McCain or Clinton. Unfortunately, most Americans DO vote with a horse-race-mentality, and that's why we always end up having horses-asses to represent us. I'd rather have a respectable president... someone like
Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's message of freedom and Liberty isn't for everyone however.
Here are
ten reasons you may not want to vote for Ron Paul:

1 You like what the Bush-Clinton dynasty has accomplished over the past twenty years.

2 You want to keep troops in Iraq for another four years to one-hundred years.

3 You think its a good idea to continue boycotting Cuba.

4 You like spending billions of dollars on a fake drug war.

5 You think it is a good idea to have the government monitoring all of your telephone, text and email messages.

6 You enjoy bureaucratic regulations in every aspect of life.

7 You superficially cast your vote based on appearance, religion, gender or race.

8 You think that corporations are more important than individuals.

9 You believe that liberty and free-agency are overrated.

10 You think it$ a good economic plan for the United $tate$ to borrow money from China $o that American$ can get a $ix-hundred dollar
economic $timulu$ check in the mail, which, in mo$t in$tance$ will be $pent on product$ which were manufactured in China. Who'$ economy are you trying to $timulate?

Think... before you vote this time.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

CBS 5 News Poll

On Saturnday night I received a call from CBS 5 in San Francisco. It was a political poll... and I found a couple of the questions to be quite strange, which is why I decided to write about it on my blog.

The first question asked whether I was a registered voter in California. "Press 1, if the answer is yes, and 2 if the answer is no." I am, so I pressed 1.

The second question concerned my likelihood of voting in the February primary. I replied that it was very likely that I would be voting of February 5th.

The third question regarded my registered party affiliation. "Press 1 if the answer is Democrat, press 2 if the answer is Republican, press three if the answer is other..." I used to be an
Other, but this year I infiltrated the B-side of the dark side, to support Ron Paul. I pressed 2.

The fourth question inquired as to whom I would be voting for. "Press 1 if the answer is Mitt Romney, press 2 if the answer is John McCain, press 3 if the answer is
Ron Paul..." and so on. I was surprised that Paul was listed third... actually I was surprised he was listed at all. I pressed 3 firmly.

I was then asked if I had voted in the last general election four years ago. I answered in the confirmative.

Next I was asked who I voted for in the previous election, "Press 1 if the answer is George Bush, press 2 if the answer is John Kerry, press 3 if the answer is Other." I pressed 3.
Don't blame me, I voted for Other.

The next question asked which issue was most important to me in the 2008 election. As I listened to my choices, I thought about how in the past few weeks, the war has been ignored, while the economy has received most of the attention by pundits. Since all of the candidates,
except one, plan to perpetuate the war for another four-plus years, I knew that they would prefer to ignore it, and pretend to focus on the economy. I pressed 1 and selected war as the issue most important in this election.

I was also asked how George Bush will go down in history? "Press 1 if your answer is one of the best presidents, press 2 if your answer is an average president, and press 3 if your answer is one of the worst presidents." I put him among the worst, right there with his daddy, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower... and the rest... are here on Gilligan's Island.

I was also asked about my age, and gender. I'm pretty sure I got those two right.

One of the questions was on abortion, and allowed only two choices "anti-abortion, and pro-choice"

Another question asked if I owned a gun.

The oddest question of the bunch was concerning global warming... is it real or made up? "Press 1 if you believe that global warming is real, press 2 if you believe that global warming is made up." I pressed 1 even though it probably isn't real. If anything, we're headed toward another ice age... that cyclical menace that returns every eleven thousand years, and guess what? It is time to start cooling down again, so don't get yourselves in a tizzy about global warming. And for Greg's sake, don't do anything that's going to speed up global cooling. Silly Human race.

I have never trusted polls... A good friend of mine worked for one of the nation's major polling companies, so I asked him a bit of a leading question once:

"Tell me something Bekus, are polls used to reflect public opinion, or to manipulate public opinion?" He chuckled knowingly, and replied with the rhetorical question, "What do you think?" "That's what I thought," I said.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Who would Joseph Smith Vote For?

When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney came in first place in Nevada earlier this month, it was largely due to the huge percentage of Mormons who populate the former Deseret Territory. No surprise, polls in Utah show Romney way out in the lead, and he will without a doubt muster most of the votes in the Beehive State. The majority of Mitt's support is coming from the millions of Mormons scattered across the United States. They're the perfect people to proselytize for the wealthy self-financier.

Considering that Mormonism was founded by libertarian-leaning, constitutionalist free-agents, I find it odd that so many modern-day Latter-day Saints (LDS) have aligned themselves with Romney, and climbed on his big government, big war, bandwagon. Knowing that Mormon founder/prophet Joseph Smith made a run for president back in 1844, I was curious who he would vote for if he were here today. Here is a sample of his own presidential platform:
“I will adopt in part the language of Mr. Madison’s inaugural address, ‘To cherish peace and friendly intercourse with all nations, having correspondent dispositions; to maintain sincere neutrality towards belligerent nations; to prefer in all cases amicable discussion and reasonable accommodation of intrigues and foreign partialities, so degrading to all countries, and so baneful to free ones; to foster a spirit of independence too just to invade the rights of others, too proud to surrender their own, too liberal to indulge unworthy prejudices ourselves, and too elevated not to look down upon them in others.’”

It sounds like Joseph Smith and James Madison both endorse
Ron Paul

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Presidential Primary - A Prognosticative Prediction

Now that there have been a couple of caucuses and primary elections here in the good old US of A, I am prepared to make my presidential primary predictions for 2008.

Democratique Nominee

It was easy to figure out who the Democrats will choose. In fact... fifteen years ago I predicted that
Hilary Rodham-Clinton would become America's first woman president... 2008 could be her year, (otherwise she may have to wait til 2016). All the anti-Republican children are tired and want an indefatigable mother-figure to fix a snack, and clean up the play room while the kids take a nap... so to speak. To her credit, she'd be a better president than the majority of the men contending for the top position in her party. I hope* that John Edwards will be chosen to be her running mate so that I can once again use a red marker to highlight the war in his name on my bumper-sticker and yard sign... a reminder that this administration represents the industrial military complex, which means prolonged war in Iraq... and who knows where next? You can't spell Edwards without war.

Republic Con Nominee

It took longer than usual for me to figure out who will become the
Republican nominee. The spin in news reports, photo selections in printed media and vote fraud in New Hampshire lead me to believe that John McCain is the straw-man the party has chosen to be knocked down and defeated... the Bob Dole of 2008. My first clue was that a nobody, like McCain, was regularly mentioned in the news reports, no matter how insignificant the information, whereas other candidates with legitimate news seem to get squelched. Another big clue was the discovery of numerous uncounted votes for Romney and Ron Paul in New Hampshire. In upcoming primaries, the fraudulent vote counters will have to be careful to under-report Paul and others, rather than leave a suspicious zero tally like occurred in NH. Media misquotes subtly demonstrate bias against Romney who's win in Wyoming was downplayed and ignored.** I suppose it is no surprise that long-time career politician John McCain is the one the Republican National Committee will anoint and appoint to perpetuate the party platform. He's been a loyal and obedient servant to the power elite for decades, and will gladly play the puppet in the public drama, where Hee Haw meets Passion Play.

*Not a prediction. Rather, a selfish wish. I love to mess with bumper stickers.

** Romney, using an Olympic metaphor said, "We have a gold and two silvers, we would have liked another gold..." FOX News reported that Romney said, "We have two silvers... we would have liked a gold" a considerable reconstruction that perceptively strips Romney of his victory in the Cowboy State.

Friday, January 4, 2008

lowa Caucus - Circus Klowns

In an ideal world, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul would have been the winners of the first presidential caucus of 2008. Welcome to the real (dumb) world. Last night Iowans made it clear that they don't understand the proper role of government when they caucused for Huckabee and Obama.
Born Again Christian Beats Mormon

It shouldn't be a surprise that a boring again Christian won the Republican caucus. After all, back in 1988 televangelist Pat Robertson came in second, ahead of George H. W. Bush, and in 1996 Pat Buchanan made a strong second place showing. No doubt the Baptist churches all across the state preached about the Mormon boogyman to scare voters away from supporting Romney. As usual,
Ron Paul experienced a near media blackout, and still managed to come in ahead of Giuliani, and walk away with a tithe of votes. At least ten percent of Iowan Republicans have a clue.
Black Man Beats Woman

It is wonderful that a black person has won a caucus, the first in the nation... ever. Although Hillary came in third, (behind Ed
WARds), it should be remembered that in 1992 Bill Clinton came in third place in the Iowa caucus, and still became president. We haven't seen the last of Ms. Rodham-Clinton.
War Mongers and Circus Clowns

None of the
big top winners in Iowa have plans to end the war any time soon... not even the self proclaimed Christian minister who came in first place. As I recall, a week or so ago, someone was saying something about peace on earth and good will toward men?

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Censorship$ Ahoy!

( ; The following message is controlled information ; )

Recently, I conducted a little mass media experiment at the a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on technology and science, known as digg. Mine Frenzel agreed to submit the previous Zenberg blog entry entitled, Ron Paul vs Status Quo - I Sing The Body Politique at the digg site with the description: "A long time Libertarian registers Republican to support Ron Paul..." I followed the new story closely, and observed that within the first hour, more than twenty people had dugg the submittal. After the first hour however, I noticed that the story could no longer be located using digg's powerful search engine.

The URL search revealed two other
Zenberg stories, but did not list the Ron Paul story. Hmmm, very suspicious. Finally, I discovered that the only way to locate the story on digg, was to go directly to the following digg URL:

Its been a week now, and the above URL is still the only way to find the story. There are hundreds of other Ron Paul stories on digg, so why single mine out for censorship? What made this one
different? Perhaps someone felt threatened by a third party supporter registering as a Republican for the sole purpose of voting in the primary. But, who would be threatened by that?

Possible answers:

1 The
GOP certainly wants to maintain control over the party, and not let it fall back into the hands of the people, even if they don't intend on taking the highest office in 2008, controlling the party is eminent. The Republicans don't want third parties to infiltrate their carefully crafted hold on the so called conservative voting block, even if it means that the best man may not win.

2 Ron Paul running as the Republican candidate is the last thing the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) wants to deal with in 2008. They're afraid that if Americans hear Paul debate Hillary, that will be the end of the Clinton Camelot dream, and aspirations for a Democrat in the White House. The DNC is hoping the Republicans will present them with an easy to defeat Straw Man like back in 1996. Bob Dole was never expected to win... and made it easy for Clinton to maintain his presidential charade for another four years.

Both parties want to perpetuate their stronghold on the American tax payers... who pay their huge salaries, and provide them with health insurance and retirement plans. That isn't likely to change until more of us become aware that we're all pawns in a bigger game.
"Dig me, but don't bury me" King Crimson 1984

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ron Paul vs Status Quo - I Sing the Body Politique

Well, I've gone and done something that will not receive the blessing of my fervorously Democrat father. Everyone who knows me well, is aware that I've been a faithful LIBERTARIAN since 1980 when I was only seventeen years old, before I could even vote. I became aware at an early age that the Republican/Democrat arrangement was a sham designed to keep the populous divided amongst themselves. When I was in high school, I discovered that the principles of the LIBERTARIAN Party reflect my views on freedom, and the proper role of government. I was naive enough to believe that if I could figure it out, certainly it was obvious to everyone else too... but everyone was distracted by sports on TV and didn't pay attention to what was going on in the real world. In 1988 the LIBERTARIAN candidate for president was Ron Paul, a man who's vision and understanding of the world was more practical and responsible than any of the other candidates. Ron Paul received my vote in 1988, but unfortunately, Americans were happy with status quo, and elected former CIA Director, George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush promised* that if elected, he would not raise taxes, but eventually stuck Americans with the largest tax increase in history, and perpetuated his deja voodoo economic** policies throughout his term as president. I wasn't surprised.

Now, here we are all these years later, and I can't help but wonder what the country would be like had Americans awakened from their slumber and elected
Ron Paul in 1988. With another election year around the corner, a host of hopefuls touting the same old, same old have cast in their hats for the top office. The only noticeable difference is that this time there is actually someone worthy of my vote, and he happens to be a Republican. Therefore I have done something I have never done before, and registered as a Republican so that I can support Ron Paul in the primary elections. Wow, I've never voted for a Republican before... sorry, Dad, but you're the one who always told me to do the right thing.

The GOP, (and DNC for that matter), must be terrified that someone so honest has been persuaded by the masses to run for president. So far there have been a handful of major debates among the Republican candidates, and polls declare
Ron Paul to be the winner, the results of which have been completely ignored by the popular media who had anticipated that Giuliani or Romney would walk away with wins. Paul wasn't invited to attend the next Republican debate. Out of sight, out of mind. The Republican Party puppeteers hope that if they ignore Ron Paul, maybe he'll go away. He was finally allowed to debate in Iowa, and an ABC poll declared Paul to be the winner with 63% of the vote. In Manchester, New Hampshire, Paul received the most votes with the exception of two categories, "Snappiest Dresser'" which went to Romney, (no surprise there), and "Most disappointing performance" which went to Giuliani. Unfortunately, Paul was ignored most of the night, and only asked to respond to a couple of questions. Obviously, someone is attempting to silence Ron Paul's message, and prevent him from getting the nomination of the Republican Party even though he leads in virtually every internet poll, for both major parties.
For the first time as long as I can remember, the choice is perfectly clear.

Status Quo or Ron Paul
Choose wisely.
*"Read my lips... No new taxes." George Herbert Walker Bush

**In the 1980 Republican primary debates, candidate George Herbert walker Bush attacked candidate Ronald Reagan's Trickle Down Economic Plan calling it Voodoo Economics. Ironically, when Bush became president, he continued the same economic policies established by his predecessor.