Showing posts with label I Sing The Body Politique. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Sing The Body Politique. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

It's the Ecomony* Stupid!

Wow! Crash goes the stock market. Ouch.

Our borrow and spend leaders in the US have sold out our future generations to China, but I had a really good idea how to get out from under our international debts, and become a strong viable nation again. The answer is surprisingly simple, too.

Here in the good old US of A we have lots of states that we don't really need. One of them could be sold off to the Chinese to cancel our debts. Better yet, create a bidding war between China, Japan and maybe even Saudi Arabia. We could probably even turn a profit.

The most obvious state to sell would, of course, be Texas.

With the exceptions of the City of Austin, and Ron Paul, there's really nothing worth hanging on to in the Lone Star State.

With this plan, we'd not only be out from under our debts, we'd have a new neighbor too. It's good to be neighborly. Howdy neighbor!

* I
ntentionally spelled incorrectly for your amusement.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stars and Stripes For... Never in a Bikini!

Sarah Palin demonstrates how to mix alcohol tobacco and firearms.
Faux image

I am already so sick of hearing from and about Sarah Palin that I could puke. And if I'm this sick of her after only two weeks, imagine how her husband must feel. The poor guy must be ready to slit his wrists. Either that or he's heavily medicated on psychotropics.

I was truly surprised that the straw man didn't select the plastic man to be his running mate. I suppose that would have been too obvious of a defeat for the Republic-cons who have to make it appear as though they're trying to win.

Great distraction though! Snappy dresser too!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Ron Paul Revolution Will NOT be Televised

Thank You For Voting
You Have Selected

America's broken two-party system has spoken, and selected two pro-war candidates who will pretend to go eyeball to eyeball for the winner takes all title, President of the United States of America.

There were two truth tellers early on in the presidential primaries, but both were quickly silenced as the media machine distracted the frenzied onlookers. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul both attempted to inform their respective parties, but most Americans were hypnotized by the flickering light box in their living rooms, and robotically performed their programmed voting task, "Must vote for war."

Signs of Support

One thing I found interesting about this election was visible support through bumper stickers and yard signs. Strangely, I've seen very little visible support for Republican candidate John McCain, yet there are still lots of signs and stickers endorsing Ron Paul. In fact, until recently, there was more signage for Ron Paul than everyone else combined. Now that the primaries are over, and both parties have had their conventions, the visible support for Obama is in the majority. Hillary signs and stickers started popping up a few weeks before Super Tuesday, and there were a handful of Kucinich stickers on cars around town too. I saw a total of five Romney yard signs, and a couple of bumper stickers, but Mr. Plastic was nearly as invisible as Huckabee, for whom I saw zero signage.

The Huckabee factor was incredibly successful with the
give them wool, and they''ll pull it over their own eyes tactic. As the republic-con running in second place post Super Tuesday, Huckabee successfully diverted attention away from Ron Paul... and that Mormon.

Isolation and Insulation

Americans have a Team X vs Team Y mentality, which the media exploits to make it easy to ignore everyone else. This kind of narrow thinking allows the major parties to maintain control, and prevents viable third parties from receiving equal time. It also serves to isolate the anointed candidates from the truth-telling Pauls and
Kucinichs within the Republicrat stronghold, effectively insulating the American citizens from the truth.

Water Fight

The remainder of this presidential campaign will be kind of like floating down a river on rafts. The Democrats are in their raft, the Republicans in theirs, distracted, and engaging in a water fight. They're having such a good time splashing each other that they've forgotten about the waterfall ahead. I'm attempting to paddle to shore, but the distracted party goers won't heed my warnings and won't get out of my way.

Here we go!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Farewell to a True Friend of Liberty

A few moments ago I learned that my good friend Andy Key passed away on Tuesday, August 20, 2008.

Andy was a true friend of liberty, an avid activist and loyal member of the Libertarian Party.

At Andy's request, no services will be held; his body will be cremated and sent to the IRS.

Thank for all your work on behalf of liberty Andy!

We'll miss you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Who Will Willy Vote For?

We had a little Willy,
Now Willy is no more,
For what he thought was H2O

Was H8SO

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Presidential Candidate Selected

Last year I registered Republican so that I could vote for Ron Paul in the California Super Tuesday Primary Election.

I had never registered Republican before, and have to admit that it was a difficult decision, but I knew that Ron Paul was worthy of my vote, so I held my nose and became a Republican. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, most Americans didn't have the opportunity to hear Paul's message, which was squelched by the media moguls who continue to distract voters with a carefully engineered race and gender
battle in the Democratic Party. It is however worthwhile to note that on Super Tuesday, California Libertarians overwhelmingly voted for Ron Paul as a write-in candidate, even though he wasn't running as a Libertarian. Good for them. I'm proud of my Libertarian brethren for their statement and support of a good man who, for decades, has worked hard to protect the civil liberties of all American citizens. Unfortunately, Paul has declared that he isn't interested in running as a third-party candidate.

I have serious doubts that anything will happen to McCain which would enable Ron Paul to ascend as the Republican Party nominee. If McCain does indeed receive the
Republican Party nomination, I won't be voting for the (B side of the) Dark Side.

I still expect that Ms. Rodham Clinton will be anointed to represent the Democrats,
but even if Obama does procure the nomination, I still won't be voting for the (A side of the) Dark Side.

I now know who I will be voting for in November. I'll be returning to my
Libertarian leanings, and will cast my vote of conscience for former Rep. Bob Barr, the newly selected Libertarian Party Nominee.

"I'm sure
we will emerge here with the strongest ticket in the history of the Libertarian Party" Barr proclaimed in his acceptance speech.
Libertarian Party spokesperson, Andrew Davis, said:

"We're proud to present to the American voters Bob Barr as our presidential nominee... While Republicans and Democrats will fight for their own power, Libertarians will fight for Americans... Republicans and Democrats have good reason to fear a candidate like Barr, who refuses to accept the 'business-as-usual' attitude of the current political establishment. Americans want and need another choice, and that choice is Bob Barr."

Saturday, May 10, 2008

BIG Love - Texas Style

Actually, the FLDS only recently migrated to the Lone Star State. For nearly a century, the obscure fundamentalist Mormon sect has been based in the state-bordered twin cities of Hilldale, Utah and Colorado City, Arizona where many of their members still reside.

I've been to Colorado City and Hilldale many times, and have
personally known some of the polygamists who live there because, back in the nineties, I worked with an engineering firm who designed and surveyed many of the streets, and utilities for these communities.

With my t-shirt and long dark hair pulled into a pony-tail, I was obviously not from
there, and a parade of local female driven automobiles rolled by throughout the day to view the spectacle of the long-haired surveyor standing behind a tripod. For lunch I sometimes dined with members of the community in the town cafeteria, or a little sandwich shop on the Hilldale side of town. I also frequented the local well-stocked grocery store, and purchased a couple of books from the used book store.

I felt comfortable discussing any topic with them, including their community. On
most occasions, I was treated with respect by the citizens of these towns who seemed completely normal, except for the fact that they practiced polygamy, and wore funny clothes. Contrary to what the hyperbolic media would have one think, the women there weren't chained to any posts, and in fact exercised a great deal of freedom. They could be seen shopping as far away as Mesquite, Nevada and Saint George, Utah, doing whatever they wanted to do... with or without their husbands.

Welcome to

Fundamentalist Christians, especially Southern Baptists, HATE Mormons vehemently, so when members of this decidedly unsavory brand of Mormondom recently moved to rural
Texas, the local family-values folks freaked out. Their anti-Mormon rhetoric was stepped up to frenzy level as presidential hopeful, Mit Romney, appeared as yet another Mormon threat to their uni-dimensional world-view. Big Love was destined to go down... Texas style!

Lone Star State Church

Recently, over four hundred children were taken into protective custody by the State of Texas. Southern Baptist Church buses wisped them speedily away to be re-brainwashed.

Does it bother anyone else that the state used Southern Baptist Church property to transport the children... or was it the church who used the state? In any event... what happened to separation of church and state in

"We did it for the children..."

What is most dis-settling about this whole ordeal, is that over 400 children have been taken by the state, and NO CHARGES HAVE BEEN FILED. Child Protective Services claim child abuse, yet have not produced any evidence that this heinous crime occurs with any more frequency among this singled-out polygamous sect than in the rest of society. Personally, I am a bit suspicious of their motives because abuse
was one of the false claims used as leverage against the Branch Davidians which disastrously resulted in the death over one hundred innocent children at Waco Texas on April 19 1993.


The state which gave us George W. Bush, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the Waco fiasco, has recently been added to my boycott list. Mighty Mo and I had planned to go to Austin
Texas this year for our 22nd wedding anniversary, but now, we don't want to contribute to a yeller state that victimizes innocent children. We'll go someplace nice instead... like Nevada.

Mess With Texas

Friday, March 28, 2008

Dark Side of the Pawn or Pawn of the Dark-Side

I have too many t-shirts. Most of them are industry shirts from the high-tech bubble days that have been collected from trade-shows from all around the world. They're all stored away in a box in the garage and I'll probably never wear any of them.

The t-shirt. It's really quite a strange concept when you stop to think about it. Gaggles of people, including myself,* behaving like walking billboards, providing free advertising for sports teams, rock bands, personalities, corporate logos, and etc.

I don't know when it became popular to put images and signs on the traditionally short-sleeved, upper-torso garment, but today, t-shirting is a multi-billion dollar global industry. The casual uniform of choice for the early 21st century.

I remember one particular T that I wore in grade school which featured an old looking, long-haired stoney-eyed hippie brandishing the dual-fingered peace sign. Across the image swept the groovily sculpted text, "I'm so far out that I'm in." I made it myself... with help from my mom, who actually did all the work of ironing the image onto a clean and wrinkle-free pale green t-shirt. No one could iron better than my mom. I remember how the toxic fumes rose up and permeated the room as she pressed the iron firmly against the paper side of the appliqué. The heat from the iron transferred through to the rubber-ish chemical substance on the other side of the paper
appliqué which melted into the fabrique of the shirt, bonding permanently to the garment. We never considered that it might be harmful to inhale the fumes... we were in Tooele after all.

I had a good selection of concert shirts when I was in high school. I could wear a different T every day of the week. All of my shirts from that era are gone now except for my very extra special Residents Eskimo t-shirt which has recently been commandeered by my son. It's quite faded now, and way too small for me, but it suits him perfectly. Its funny to think that I wore it when I was about his age.

Currently, my favorite t-shirt features the unmistakable image of leftest-rebel Che Guevara as an Imperial Storm Trooper. I purchased it in Mexico a couple of years ago when I was vacationing during the holidays with the Mueller Clan. The artist was incredibly insightful to envision Che as a pawn of the dark side. Around these parts, Senor Guevara is renowned as some kind of folk war-hero/freedom fighter. Ironically, these are the same people who claim to be anti-war. One person's terrorist, is another's freedom-fighter.

* Sporting my Phil Hendrie Show T as I whapetty tap away at the keyboard.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Democratic Delegate Dilemma in 3-D

I've been receiving a lot of flack about my presidential primary predictions for 2008. Back in early January, it seemed like John McCain was a long-shot to receive the Republican nomination, and that Clinton was a sure shoe-in on the left foot.

Now, only a couple of months later, it appears that John McCain is the shoe-in, while Hillary Rodham-Clinton is slightly behind in a neck-and-neck race with Obama for the Democratic nomination. Caught up in the historicity of the moment, it seems like everyone is predicting Obama as the big winner now. But not Rhetro Zenberg, (that's me).

Here's how it will play out

At this point, neither Obama nor Clinton can procure enough delegates to receive their party's nomination. That decision will have to be made at the Democratic Convention in Denver this August 26-28. Mr. Obama will go into the convention carrying more delegates than Ms. Clinton, however, this isn't about popularity... is it? Remember Al Gore? Yes,
Barack Obama will receive the majority of the votes in the primary, however he will not become the Democratic nominee.

My prediction is that it will be determined that the states carried by Obama in the primary will likely go Republican in the general election, and that Clinton strongholds, some of which are swing-states, will be more effective against McCain. And Hillary Rodham-Clinton will become the Democratic nominee, and on her way to becoming next President of the United States.

Presidential Race-ism

Remember, that it was the Democratic Party who fought against emancipation in the 19th century. The Democrats are not the party of civil rights, any more than the Republicans are the party of family values. Right now, the puppeteers of the Democrats are providing us with an entertaining song and dance routine, but when the show is over, status quo will prevail, and Obama will take his place in the back of the political bus.

There will be no outrage... there's plenty of great TV programming prepared to keep everyone distracted. And maybe, Barack will endorse Hillary as her vice-presidential candidate. That would make everyone content...when the Democrats win in November.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Open Wide & $ay... Genocide?

Four thousand in just over five years. That is a lot of blood my friends, (imitating John McCain).

Four thousand is a very large number, however, it may surprise you that within that same duration of time, (five years), doctors were directly responsible for the unnecessary deaths of at least* 1,250,000 Americans. A domestic genocide of a cool million and a quarter is pretty big number to go unnoticed.

Where's the outcry?

Fortunately for the medical industry, the majority of the population is dosed on one or more of a variety of complacency promoting medications, and don't even notice that anything is happening in the world outside their prescribed routine. These folks see their doctors as a kind of minister of a priesthood who's word supersedes even ecclesiastical authority.

Open wide, and say ahh...

Based on Reuters who claims 250,000 to 3000,000 annually.

Here's what four thousand looks like.


Blogger wouldn't allow 1,250,000 characters, therefore you won't be able to see how much damage doctors do.

Among the one million plus, is there anyone you know? Me too.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Proud To Be A Merkin - Five Years Later

America has been in Iraq for five years today. I wonder if it will have been worth it in the long run. It sure doesn't seem worth it right now. I only hope that an invasion of Iran isn't going to be part of a misguided future economic stimulus plan. Somehow, I don't think another war would help our teetering economy. Better to bring the troops home from not only Iraq, but every other country where we maintain an unwelcome military presence. Bring back the industry that the Bush and Clinton regimes have exported too.

Or we can continue doing things the way we always have...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Xtra Files 3: How to Hide a Mountain

Don was happy that the war was over. He had been away from home for what seemed like a lifetime, and in his absence, the world, and the role of his country had changed forever. He gazed out across the barren panoramic landscape of southern Utah, and pondered his life experiences. He considered that although the world was a much different place than it had been before the war, out in the vastness of the desert, everything appeared to be pretty much the same as it had always been.

The arid-desert air dried his sinuses as he savored the aroma of Basin Big Sage mingled with Pinion and Juniper. Worlds away from the moist climate of Japan where he had spent the previous couple of years of his life serving in the United States Army assisting in the rebuilding** of Japan, after the war. He loved the Japanese people, and thought about the good friends he had made there. The memory of their faces was still fresh in his mind, when it occurred to him that he would probably never see any of them ever again.

Don had a date later that night with a gal named Puss,* and would need to head back to town before too long, but it was so good to be home, and the desire to explore couldn't be squelched, so he pressed on. He was already about twenty or so miles west of Cedar City, when he decided to head over to the magnetic mountain he remembered from his youth.

It's difficult to misplace a large 300- to 400- foot tall, cone-shaped mountain with a diameter of approximately 1/4 mile, that is composed entirely of high-grade magnetite (a naturally occurring magnetic iron ore), but as he approached the area where he knew it was located, it was nowhere to be seen. It seemed like a dream at first... after all, he had been there dozens of times, but now, the large mountain was entirely gone. Vanished from the landscape forever. Things had changed more than he originally suspected. Still, it was good to be home.

Where did the mountain go?

The probable answer is that as the war effort increased, so did the need for new sources of iron ore to build America's war machine - ships, tanks, jeeps, trucks, bomb casings, and etc. would all be needed to defeat the Axis Powers in Europe and the Pacific. The Manhattan Project alone required millions of tons of steel.

** A role the US would continues to practice throughout the world to this day.

Names have not been changed.

"to remove a mountain and cast it to the sea" Isaiah

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Signs of the Times

The day after my impaled tire incident, while I was riding my bike home, at the same place on Cayuga where I had the flat the previous day, and about the same time of day as well, an old 1970's Chevy pickup truck passed me bearing a RUDY bumper sticker... the first one I had ever seen. Next to it was a McCain bumper sticker... the first one of those I had seen as well. Wow, two firsts on one truck.

As I continued riding home, I thought about how strange it is that the big Republican front-runner has no visible support (at least in our community) except for one sticker on an old truck, next to a RUDY sticker... which implies to me that McCain wasn't his first choice. In contrast, there are hundreds of stickers and yard signs for the front-runner of the Democratic party. Barack Obama obviously has the biggest showing of support here in Santa Cruz, which is not very surprising given the fact that Surf City has a predominantly Democratic populous.

What is surprising, is how much visible support there is for the invisible candidate. Ron Paul also has hundreds of signs and stickers strewn about Santa Cruz County. He had more than everyone else combined for awhile there, but lately I see more Obama yard signs and bumper stickers every day. Obama's visible support is reflected in the polls, which currently puts him in the lead of his party, unlike Paul, who most folks assume is out of the running, or an insignificant third-party candidate because the media has so successfully ignored him... This is strange, and a little scary, considering Paul has more grass-roots support, and more remaining budget than any other Republican candidate. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Ron Paul is a real boy, and not a puppet, like John McCain.

Hillary has the next best showing of support in Santa Cruz, but has nowhere near as many signs and stickers as Obama or Paul. I still see lots of support for Dennis Kucinich too, even though he is officially out of the race now. I saw five Romney yard signs, and about that many stickers, but have never seen a single Huckabee sticker or sign. So here's the breakdown for visible support* here in Santa Cruz County... as I see it.

First place: Obama with hundreds.

Second place: Paul with hundreds - Paul had more support early on, but was recently surpassed by Obama signage.

Third place: Hillary with about a hundred.

Fourth place: Kucinich with less than one hundred stickers on cars in town.

Fifth place: Romney with ten or so signs and stickers.

Sixth place: Edwards with about four bumper stickers.

And, least but not last, is a tie betwixt McCain and Rudy with one sticker each, (I suspect I'll see more McCain ssupport as November draws nigh).

In last place, with NO visible showing in Santa Cruz, is Mike Huckabee with a big fat ZERO.

If an outsider, who knew nothing about the candidates came to Santa Cruz, they would assume that the election was between Barack Obama and Ron Paul.

* Yard signs, bumper stickers, graffiti, home made signs... the stuff one might see while touring about our fine berg.
Former President Clinton encourages passers-by to vote for Ron Paul.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Have a Cigar & Ballooner Eclipse in Wisconsin

Hey, diddle diddle
a cat named Fidel
the clown jumped over the loon

the big dog barked
to see such sport
and the dish was eclipsed by balloons

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney FoLDS

Who'da thunk? I'm a little more than a bit surprised that presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney suspended* his campaign today. I figured that his pride would drive him to continue chasing the white whale to the ends of the earth. Looks to me like he's been persuaded by someone to hand the nomination over to the borrow and spend conservative, John McCain, in order to prevent a brokered convention.

Huckabee supporters are celebrating tonight, knowing that the Mormon threat has been thwarted. The funda
mentalist Christians, (who make up about 99.9% of Huckabee supporters), have been indoctrinated to view Mormonism as a non-Christian cult with Masonic and occultic origins. The Christians are all too happy to utilize the Mormons' organizational skills and personnel to support certain political causes, but it was really not long ago that the good old family values Christians were killing Mormons and stealing their property... forcing them to flee from the land of the free, for religious freedom. For now, the Christians are happy to use the masses of Mormons as the enemy of their enemy, but will certainly not allow one to ascend to the highest position in the world's most powerful nation.

I hope that everyone who threw their vote away on Romney can sleep at night knowing that they could have supported someone who would have pursued peace and prevented the United States from making future unconstitutional and fiscally irresponsible blunders. Next time? My gut feeling tells me, probably not. I think this was our last opportunity to elect a non-gadiantonian.

A suspenseful, non-committing way of saying that he QUIT.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ten Reasons NOT to Vote For RON PAUL on Super Dee Dooper Tuesday

Well here we are on the eve of Super Tuesday, a day I have been anxiously awaiting for many months. Tomorrow those of us here in California will join twenty-one other states and cast votes for our personal favorite presidential hopefuls. This year we have an opportunity for real change, that's why I'll be voting for Ron Paul.

If this election was a horse race, I'd be voting in the primary for McCain or Clinton. Unfortunately, most Americans DO vote with a horse-race-mentality, and that's why we always end up having horses-asses to represent us. I'd rather have a respectable president... someone like
Ron Paul.
Ron Paul's message of freedom and Liberty isn't for everyone however.
Here are
ten reasons you may not want to vote for Ron Paul:

1 You like what the Bush-Clinton dynasty has accomplished over the past twenty years.

2 You want to keep troops in Iraq for another four years to one-hundred years.

3 You think its a good idea to continue boycotting Cuba.

4 You like spending billions of dollars on a fake drug war.

5 You think it is a good idea to have the government monitoring all of your telephone, text and email messages.

6 You enjoy bureaucratic regulations in every aspect of life.

7 You superficially cast your vote based on appearance, religion, gender or race.

8 You think that corporations are more important than individuals.

9 You believe that liberty and free-agency are overrated.

10 You think it$ a good economic plan for the United $tate$ to borrow money from China $o that American$ can get a $ix-hundred dollar
economic $timulu$ check in the mail, which, in mo$t in$tance$ will be $pent on product$ which were manufactured in China. Who'$ economy are you trying to $timulate?

Think... before you vote this time.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

CBS 5 News Poll

On Saturnday night I received a call from CBS 5 in San Francisco. It was a political poll... and I found a couple of the questions to be quite strange, which is why I decided to write about it on my blog.

The first question asked whether I was a registered voter in California. "Press 1, if the answer is yes, and 2 if the answer is no." I am, so I pressed 1.

The second question concerned my likelihood of voting in the February primary. I replied that it was very likely that I would be voting of February 5th.

The third question regarded my registered party affiliation. "Press 1 if the answer is Democrat, press 2 if the answer is Republican, press three if the answer is other..." I used to be an
Other, but this year I infiltrated the B-side of the dark side, to support Ron Paul. I pressed 2.

The fourth question inquired as to whom I would be voting for. "Press 1 if the answer is Mitt Romney, press 2 if the answer is John McCain, press 3 if the answer is
Ron Paul..." and so on. I was surprised that Paul was listed third... actually I was surprised he was listed at all. I pressed 3 firmly.

I was then asked if I had voted in the last general election four years ago. I answered in the confirmative.

Next I was asked who I voted for in the previous election, "Press 1 if the answer is George Bush, press 2 if the answer is John Kerry, press 3 if the answer is Other." I pressed 3.
Don't blame me, I voted for Other.

The next question asked which issue was most important to me in the 2008 election. As I listened to my choices, I thought about how in the past few weeks, the war has been ignored, while the economy has received most of the attention by pundits. Since all of the candidates,
except one, plan to perpetuate the war for another four-plus years, I knew that they would prefer to ignore it, and pretend to focus on the economy. I pressed 1 and selected war as the issue most important in this election.

I was also asked how George Bush will go down in history? "Press 1 if your answer is one of the best presidents, press 2 if your answer is an average president, and press 3 if your answer is one of the worst presidents." I put him among the worst, right there with his daddy, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower... and the rest... are here on Gilligan's Island.

I was also asked about my age, and gender. I'm pretty sure I got those two right.

One of the questions was on abortion, and allowed only two choices "anti-abortion, and pro-choice"

Another question asked if I owned a gun.

The oddest question of the bunch was concerning global warming... is it real or made up? "Press 1 if you believe that global warming is real, press 2 if you believe that global warming is made up." I pressed 1 even though it probably isn't real. If anything, we're headed toward another ice age... that cyclical menace that returns every eleven thousand years, and guess what? It is time to start cooling down again, so don't get yourselves in a tizzy about global warming. And for Greg's sake, don't do anything that's going to speed up global cooling. Silly Human race.

I have never trusted polls... A good friend of mine worked for one of the nation's major polling companies, so I asked him a bit of a leading question once:

"Tell me something Bekus, are polls used to reflect public opinion, or to manipulate public opinion?" He chuckled knowingly, and replied with the rhetorical question, "What do you think?" "That's what I thought," I said.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Who would Joseph Smith Vote For?

When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney came in first place in Nevada earlier this month, it was largely due to the huge percentage of Mormons who populate the former Deseret Territory. No surprise, polls in Utah show Romney way out in the lead, and he will without a doubt muster most of the votes in the Beehive State. The majority of Mitt's support is coming from the millions of Mormons scattered across the United States. They're the perfect people to proselytize for the wealthy self-financier.

Considering that Mormonism was founded by libertarian-leaning, constitutionalist free-agents, I find it odd that so many modern-day Latter-day Saints (LDS) have aligned themselves with Romney, and climbed on his big government, big war, bandwagon. Knowing that Mormon founder/prophet Joseph Smith made a run for president back in 1844, I was curious who he would vote for if he were here today. Here is a sample of his own presidential platform:
“I will adopt in part the language of Mr. Madison’s inaugural address, ‘To cherish peace and friendly intercourse with all nations, having correspondent dispositions; to maintain sincere neutrality towards belligerent nations; to prefer in all cases amicable discussion and reasonable accommodation of intrigues and foreign partialities, so degrading to all countries, and so baneful to free ones; to foster a spirit of independence too just to invade the rights of others, too proud to surrender their own, too liberal to indulge unworthy prejudices ourselves, and too elevated not to look down upon them in others.’”

It sounds like Joseph Smith and James Madison both endorse
Ron Paul